When searching for insurance providers you should always try to save. In this review, we will help you to find the best home and car insurance bundle, which can save you a ton on your policy. Allow me to give you an idea of how much you can save. By bundling policies, Florida policyholders save over 7%.
Texas policyholders are able to save 17%. California policyholders are able to save around 15%. Georgia policyholders are able to save a whopping 22%. Washington policyholders are able to save 13.5%. Alabama policyholders are able to 20%. Not only can you save, but with multiple policies your insurer is less likely to drop you and you can end up saving a lot on your deductible.
Bundling insurance policies
The reason that you want to bundle your policies is because this leads to managing your policies easier.

Also, the obvious reason is that you will be able to enjoy discounts from your insurance provider.
GEICO allows you to save 5% or more when you insure multiple insurance policies. With GEICO, you can combine your Homeowners, Renters, Condo or Mobile Home policy with your auto insurance to receive a greater discount. What I love about GEICO is that on average GEICO offers cheap monthly auto insurance quotes. GEICO might give you the best quote on this list. On top of an already cheap insurance rate you will be given a truckload of discounts that you may be eligible for. For home and auto insurance you want a company that has the funds to pay your claims.
GEICO received amazing ratings from the top financial analyst companies. GEICO received an “A++” from A.M. Best and Fitch ratings. Also, for the 27th consecutive year in a row GEICO was named to the Ward’s 50 top group of financially high-performing insurers.
State Farm
State Farm allows policyholders to save up to 17% when they bundle policies. With State Farm you can save up to $800 by combining home and auto insurance. I know many people who insure with State Farm. State Farm is willing to work with you while some companies might not. In the J.D. Power insurance rating study State Farm was better than average in both the auto claims part of the study and the homeowners part of the study. State Farm received 4 out of 5 Power Circles for overall satisfaction in the homeowners study, which reveals happy customers. Better Business Bureau helps us to know how a company handles customer complaints. BBB gave State Farm an “A+” rating in their rating system.
Usually people who need home and auto insurance have multiple cars in their household. With Start Farm if you need insurance for more than 1 car you can save up to 20%. State Farm offers additional ways to save with their Drive Safe & Save and Steer Clear program.
Farmers is another insurance company that gives you a 10% discount when you bundle your home and auto policies. Farmers customers are even eligible for a discount if they are a homeowner. Are you a non-smoker? If so, you can easily qualify for a home owners discount with Farmers.
Farmers excels in coverage options.
Accident forgiveness – Farmers offers their customers accident forgiveness. Accident forgiveness is a great coverage option for drivers under 25 or drivers who are more prone to get into auto accidents. Throughout the world customers all around the world have complained about their premium skyrocketing after an auto accident. With accident forgiveness if you ever get into accident you will not have to worry about your rates going up.
Incident Forgiveness – Some auto insurers will bring your premium up after receiving a situation. With incident forgiveness, you are given peace of mind if you were to ever receive a traffic ticket.
Small Claim Forgiveness – With small claim forgiveness you will not have to worry about rates going up after something as insignificant as a small fender bender.
No Fault, No Foul – Don’t worry about rates going up if someone else caused the accident.
Safeco offers very affordable and competitive insurance rates. In my Safeco vs State Farm auto insurance review customers were actually able to save slightly more with Safeco.
Safeco has a plethora of package deals to help customers save. When you bundle home and auto you can end up saving up to 15%.
If you have a newer home that is less than 10 years old you can easily qualify for their newer home discount.
Another way that you can save with Safeco is by driving less. If your car is usually parked or if you live close to work, then you should think about taking advantage of Safeco’s low mileage discount, which allows drivers to save up to 20%.
Safeco is a member of Liberty Mutual Group. BBB gave Liberty Mutual an “A” grade which shows that Safeco handles customer complaints well. Safeco received an “A” A.M Best rating which shows that they are backed by billions in assets to pay any claims.
Auto-Owners Insurance
Auto-Owners Insurance is one of the highest rated insurance companies on this list. In the J.D. Power auto claims study, Auto-Owners Insurance was the second highest company on the list. AOI received 4 out of 5 Power Circles in overall satisfaction, First Notice of Loss, claim servicing, estimation process, and the settlement process. The only category that AOI did not receive 4 Power Circles in was the rental experience category where they received 5 out of 5 Power Circles.
In the home insurance study, Auto-Owners Insurance was 6th on the list. AOI received 4 out of 5 Power Circles in overall satisfaction, policy offering, price, billing, and the interaction part of the study. In claims, Auto-Owners Insurance received 3 out of 5 stars.
With Auto-Owners Insurance you are able to get a multi-policy discount when you have multiple qualifying policies.
Here are more ways that you can save with Auto-Owners Insurance.
- Payment history – Paying your premium for 3 years will make you eligible for this discount.
- Advance Quote – Request a premium quote prior to the effective date of the policy to qualify.
- Green Discount –Enroll in paperless billing and pay your policy online to qualify.
- Mortgage-free discount – Have you paid off your mortgage? If so, you will be eligible for AOI’s mortgage-free discount.
Amica Mutual
Amica Mutual was the highest rated insurance company in both the home and auto J.D. Power claims study. The Amica homeowners insurance service is one of the best in the Unites States.
When it comes to handling your claims, you will not have any problems while using Amica. They have an awesome reputation and they offer various discounts that you can take advantage of such as their multi-line discount. When you combine auto with your home, condo, renters, life or umbrella policies you will be able to save up to 15%.
I love Amica Mutual’s loyalty discount because most of us will easily qualify for it. To qualify for this discount, you have to have had auto insurance with any company for at least 24 months. Another way to save with Amica is if you have burglar alarms, sprinkler systems, or fire alarms installed in your home.
MAPFRE Insurance
MAPFRE is not as well-known as all the other insurance companies on this list, but it did rate well in both J.D. Power insurance studies. MaPFRE also received an A+ rating from BBB. By insuring both your auto and home through MaPFRE, you will be able to receive a discount on both homeowners auto insurance.
Bottom line
This comparison features many awesome companies with great reviews and a load of discounts. I highly recommend that you get a quote to find the best insurance rates in your area.